Date(s) - Saturday, February 11, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Bodgery Classroom
Categories No Categories
This is a meetup, not a class – the intent is to meet and discuss what we’re working on/learning in CAD (Fusion360 ideally, but other software welcome). We’ll discuss our design process, questions for the group, tips we’ve discovered, etc. No cost, no requirement to share, but please bring your laptop with your project/software loaded up and ready to share if you’re willing!
This meetup is being organized by John Eich so please reach out to him on Slack if you need more information.
Its free, and John promised to bring treats!
Registration not required!
Non-members: someone should be around up front and will let you in between 12:50-1pm. If not, please use the bell out by the front Glass doors.