Date(s) - Monday, October 3, 2022 - Monday, October 31, 2022
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Woodworking skills class for women, build a splined mitred box.
This is a 5 week course, not for complete beginners. Only 4 participants are accepted since this is an instructor intensive course. You will become more familiar with the most common machines in woodworking–jointer, planer, table saw and jigs, and learn to think more about how to think about solid lumbers, all to build a splined mitred box. The project will address some of primary concerns in wood working (wood movement and how to accommodate it).
You will leave with a project to be proud of.
-no loose clothing, hearing and eye protection recommended
-Mondays, 7-10pm, 3rd – 31st October 2022
-Bodgery members only
-location: Shop classroom each meeting, woodshop machine room 3rd October
-Class fee: class fee is $270, which includes $45 materials*
-prerequisite: This is a women’s only class. Participants are expected to have finished the Woodshop orientation at the Bodgery.
*please contact Martha to review if you have any questions about requirements.
* Once you have successfully registered, Martha will contact you on Slack to exchange payment information. Payments expected by the 24th, refunds allowed till one week before class begins (26th).
NOTE: If you register for this and subsequently need to drop, please give the instructor as much warning as possible so she can arrange to fill that spot.
This event is fully booked.